NYSCA Announces Safety Plan Workshop for the Removal of Practice Restrictions

In the continued spirit of assisting and advancing the profession, the NYSCA will be holding a workshop to assist those of you who have questions or simply want to join your colleagues virtually in the completion of this vital task. 

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Chiropractic Open For Business - Phase 3 & Massage Therapists

There is a lot of good news happening as New York moves forward. 

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NYSCA Announces Removal of Practice Restrictions

The NYSCA is pleased to share the good news. Updated guidance has been released that chiropractic offices can resume providing the full breadth of chiropractic services. The prior restriction to “emergency chiropractic services” is no longer in place. This was accomplished with the update of the definition of Essential Business being changed to ''chiropractic services". All chiropractic services are now considered essential throughout the entire state of New York.

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Register now to join us tomorrow evening for a NYSCA COVID-19 Town Hall Meeting!

We know there are many questions and concerns about the best practices for reopening a practice and for returning to the full breadth of chiropractic practice.  To assist with this, last week a “reopening and reigniting practice guide” was emailed to you.  

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UnitedHealthcare COVID-19 Update

UnitedHealthcare recently published an update relative to COVID-19.  Noted in the introductory paragraph of this notice:

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Reopening & Reigniting your practice - A guide for NYSCA members

Your service to public health throughout the covid crisis is appreciated. At this stage some of our colleagues are looking to reopen their practices and begin providing 'emergency chiropractic services'. Others have been open in this essential capacity and are anxiously awaiting the green light to provide a full spectrum of chiropractic care. To assist you with both of those strides forward, the NYSCA has created a guide to opening and reigniting your practice.

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2020 Government & Legislative Update

The Senate and Assembly returned to session this week to address legislation specifically related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Committee meetings were held remotely in both houses on Tuesday, and then session was held on Wednesday and Thursday.  

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Update on NY Forward Phase 2 and Chiropractic Practices

The NYSCA was under the impression that offices for doctors of chiropractic would be included in Phase 2 as part of Professional Services.  However, in the Phase 2 guidance issued by Empire State Development, the listing for Professional Services has been removed.

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Phase 2 of State Reopening

As you are aware, “emergency chiropractic services” have been deemed an “essential business” during the COVID-19 pandemic.  We have been able to ascertain that the best interpretation of this language means, urgent and necessary chiropractic care.

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Reopening NY and New Guidance for Essential Businesses

As NY begins to reopen, there is some new guidance for operating a business as part of essential services. In summary, you must have a detailed safety plan and be following the phase one guidelines. 

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Additional Money available through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Funding.

Recently, DCs may have witnessed monies from HHS deposited into their bank accounts and should have received follow-up emails requesting that they “attest” in order to keep the funding. The NYSCA previously emailed the membership regarding the HHS funding, which is part of the CARES Act.

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Registration is open for the NGS May 2020 Virtual Conference

The NYSCA is pleased to share with you the following educational opportunity from National Government Services.  This platform will allow you to hear about the latest Medicare education from the NGS Provider Outreach and Education team and ask your questions immediately following.

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Important Changes to Workers' Compensation Telemedicine

Please note the following updates to the telemedicine protocols implemented by the NYS Workers' Compensation Board. This emergency adoption supersedes the previous WCB telemedicine amendment, and is effective immediately.

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Continue practicing within your scope as you render emergency chiropractic service

During the COVID-19 pandemic, New York’s chiropractors continue to do their best to serve their patients and communities.   A reminder for those that chiropractors that remain open as part of Essential Business during this state of emergency- you need to still practice under the current scope of practice.  

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Employers Directed to Provide Masks to Employees Who Interact with the Public

Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has issued an Executive Order directing employers to provide essential workers with cloth or surgical masks free of charge to wear when directly interacting with the public, effective tomorrow at 8pm.

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FCC's COVID-19 Telehealth Program Application Portal Opens Today

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai recently announced his plan for a COVID-19 Telehealth Program to support health care providers responding to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. As part of the CARES Act, Congress appropriated $200 million to the FCC to support health care providers’ use of telehealth services in combating the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Q&A: Unemployment Insurance for the Self-employed during the pandemic

A NYSCA member states, then asks: "I am a self-employed, sole proprietor and I am closing my office due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.  As a chiropractor can I apply to one of the state unemployment insurance offices to collect unemployment insurance compensation?"

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COVID-19 Financial Assistance - Medicare Accelerated Payments Application & FAQ

In order to increase cash flow to providers of services and suppliers impacted by the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has expanded our current Accelerated and Advance Payment Program to a broader group of Medicare Part A providers and Part B suppliers. The expansion of this program is only for the duration of the public health emergency. Details on the eligibility, and the request process are outlined below. The information below reflects the passage of the CARES Act (P.L. 116-136).

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COVID-19 CMS Assistance for Healthcare providers

Some good news for doctors amidst the Corona Virus crisis: Some doctors may already be seeing this money in their account; you may be seeing it in your account soon. 

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Update regarding "Emergency Chiropractic Services"

We continue to address the developing needs of chiropractic patients during the covid-19 crisis. We have been able to achieve a measure of clarity regarding NY's updated definition of essential services, including "Emergency Chiropractic Services". 

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