Dr. Frank R. Cartica 05/10/1954 - 02/26/2005 It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the passing of NYSCA’s former member Dr. Frank R Cartica, D.C. of Yonkers, New York on Saturday February 26, 2005. He is survived by his wife Lois, and children Matthew, Jonathan, Genevieve, Jeremy Cartica and his mother Mary Cartica and brother of Kevin, Keith, James, John and Marybeth Muir. I am sure we will all agree that Dr. Cartica has done much for the Chiropractic profession and will be deeply missed. We ask that you keep his wife, children and family in your thoughts and prayers. Memorial Mass will be celebrated Thursday 11:00 AM at the Annunciation Church, 470 Westchester Avenue, Tuckahoe (Crestwood), NY 10707 - Tel. 914-779-4145. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to New York Fire Fighters Burn Center Foundation, 21 Asch Loop, Bronx, NY 10475.

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Palmer Board Names Drs. Kern, Martin President; Other Key Issues Addressed

After a period of information gathering and careful planning, the Palmer Chiropractic University System Board of Trustees has approved a number of resolutions and permanent appointments that will have a significant, positive impact on the future of Palmer. At their annual meeting held Feb. 4-5 in San Diego, Calif., the Board’s efforts focused on building a solid foundation from which Palmer can continue to be the leader in chiropractic education. This process resulted from a year of collecting information from a cross section of each Palmer campus. Among the resolutions announced by the Board are: Presidential Appointments: Donald Kern, D.C., and Peter Martin, D.C., were named president of Palmer College of Chiropractic and Palmer College of Chiropractic West, respectively. Their appointments are effective immediately. “We conducted a full and thorough evaluation of their performance during the past year and found that they both had achieved outstanding success in reaching the one-year goals the Board had set,” said John Huston, chair of the Board evaluation team. “During our interviews with staff and administrators, as well as from those who participated in the evaluation forums, we heard overwhelmingly that the greatest constituency of the colleges wanted this to happen. This will bring needed stability and the ability to move forward seamlessly with our program.” “The Board concluded that it would be in Palmer’s best interest to remove the interim titles and appoint each as president of their respective campuses,” said Vickie Palmer, chairman of the Board and great-granddaughter of D.D. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic. “These two exceptional individuals provide a great blend of experience and leadership, and we are fortunate to have them leading us forward.” Plans for an investiture ceremony marking their official appointments are underway. In addition, the Board determined that there also should be a President at the Florida campus. These three presidents will report directly to the Board of Trustees. The Board will immediately begin a search for a president of Palmer Florida. As announced on Jan. 31, Donald Gran, D.C., M.S.Ed., will serve as acting senior campus administrator of that campus while the search is conducted. Palmer’s new organizational structure will include a CEO position that will report directly to the Board and will deal with business issues and assure proper integration of the three campuses. This position will be open in the future. Until the position is filled, Mr. Larry Patten will continue to assist the Board with these matters. One College, Three Campuses: The Board reemphasized that Palmer is one college with three campuses. Because it will continue to focus its attention on assuring that it is the highest-quality chiropractic institution in the world, therefore, it will discontinue the use of the term “university.” “Universities are more commonly made up of colleges of multiple disciplines under one umbrella, which is the university. By the common definition, identifying Palmer as a university implies that we offer programs other than chiropractic, which isn’t the case,” explained Vickie Palmer. “Therefore, to eliminate confusion and to solidify and strengthen the Palmer brand nationwide, we will refer to ourselves as Palmer College of Chiropractic with our three campuses identified as Palmer College of Chiropractic, also known as The Fountainhead, Palmer College of Chiropractic-West and Palmer College of Chiropractic-Florida. Regardless of the campus name, we are dedicated to our students by ensuring that the educational program at each campus reflects the same quality of delivery as well as the same Palmer philosophy. We intend to be certain that is carried out.” The Fountainhead: The Board affirmed the significance of the Davenport campus as The Fountainhead of Chiropractic. “No other college in the world enjoys this distinction, since chiropractic began in Davenport,” said Vickie Palmer. “In a way, all chiropractic colleges and all chiropractors are part of the Palmer family since it all began here in Davenport, Iowa. Having additional campuses within Palmer does not and will not diminish the legacy of the Davenport campus. It simply provides those who wish to obtain a Palmer chiropractic education in another location an opportunity to do so. All students who complete our program will have earned the honor of being a Palmer graduate.” Clinics: The Board stated its commitment to ensuring that students are sufficiently prepared through a curriculum that includes a solid clinic experience. The clinical operation must be a seamless part of the curriculum at each campus. It was agreed that, in order to achieve that outcome, the curriculum must be driven with the clinical experience clearly in mind. Philosophy: The Board also agreed that Palmer and its three campuses are in the business of chiropractic education of the highest quality. It maintains a centrist view of chiropractic as defined by its mission, tenets and philosophy. The boundaries of this view include physiotherapy as part of the core curriculum, due to its potential benefit to chiropractic patients. This decision was based on research conducted by the ad hoc Education Committee. The statement of philosophy shared late last summer received strong support from Palmer faculty, staff and alumni. Enrollment: With a new emphasis on enrollment management, the Board approved opening a new position of Chief of Enrollment Management for which it will immediately begin a nationwide search. The campuses will also open up other necessary positions in this area to ensure that it has a quality team of enrollment management specialists to efficiently work with students wishing to enroll. Interim Positions: The College will now begin working on filling other positions that have been filled on an interim basis during the past year. This may include opening new positions in certain areas as deemed necessary by the College. Technology: The Board approved a new initiative to update the Davenport and West campuses with current technological resources. It has asked the administration to prepare an action and implementation plan. Educational Advisory Committee: The Palmer Board of Trustees is committed to establishing an advisory committee made up of selected alumni. This committee will work with the College as it works to continue to offer the best chiropractic education possible. The committee will also build upon the sense of pride that comes with a Palmer diploma by working to continually improve the Palmer experience. PCCW Location: There have been discussions in the past that the PCCW campus may move to a new city. The Board wishes to lay this idea to rest by affirming that the Palmer West campus will continue to be located in the bay area in California. Curriculum: Providing students with the skills to become a successful chiropractor is considered the highest priority. With that, the Board is committed to working with all constituencies to assess the curriculum and to ensure that it is working effectively. Current Board Members Attending the meeting in San Diego were: Vickie A. Palmer, H.C.D. (Hon.), chairman, Trevor Ireland, D.C, vice chair, Charles J. Keller, D.C., secretary, Hewett M. (Mack) Alden, D.C., Dennis J. Fitterer, D.C., Harley D. Gilthvedt, D.C., Merlyn A. Green, D.C., Michael J. Hahn, D.C., John Huston, Kenneth Koupal, Paul S. Peterson, D.C., William L. Wilke and Ex Officio Member Mark A. Heslip, D.C. John Willis, D.C., attended the meeting on behalf of Ex Officio Member Kirk Lee, D.C. Board member Kent M. Forney, J.D., was unable to attend. Frank Bemis, D.C., Fletcher Keith, D.C., and Byrd Krumbholz have completed their terms on the Board. The Board would like to thank them for their service and support of Palmer. Comments from Board Members “Change never comes without some pain,” said Dr. Keller, secretary of the Board. “However, the efforts of the Board over the past year have been so productive and provided such a clear direction for the future that whatever pain we have been through will, in the long run, prove to be worth it when we measure the value of our outcomes.” “We’ve implemented a new foundation of discovery that will help us establish a framework for a strong direction for the future of chiropractic education,” said Vickie Palmer. “This process has generated a new beginning for our colleges. I’m confident that the bold and aggressive initiatives put in place will ensure that Palmer continues to provide the highest-quality chiropractic education in the world.” “We have done our job,” added Trevor Ireland, D.C., vice chair of the Board. “We have worked diligently as a Board to ensure that we do what is right for Palmer. Our decisions were based on careful deliberations and, as a Board, we are together and strong in our resolve to see our initiatives carried through.” “I would also like to thank everyone–on all three Palmer campuses–who provided input to the Board over the past year,” added Vickie Palmer. “Your commitment and ongoing support are a strong testimony of the quality of individuals who are part of the Palmer family.” The next full Board meeting will be held in June. To learn more visit click on the link below:

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The Future of Chiropractic Revisited: 2005-2015


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As you are aware the changes with Blue Cross and Blue Shield will dramatically affect your practice. Now is the time for you to get involved. On February 15, 2005, the ACA Blue CCHIP representatives met with Empire Blue Cross/ Blue Shield and ASH representatives to discuss the implementation of the Empire Blue Cross/ Blue Shield Chiropractic utilization process. Present at the meeting were representatives from both the New York State Chiropractic Association and the New York Chiropractic Council. What is Blue CCHIP? The Blue Chiropractic Clinical Healthplan Integration Program (CCHIP) is a program developed by the American Chiropractic Association in conjunction with the national Blue Cross/Blue Shield association. This Clinical Integration Program has chiropractic liaisons throughout the country, in almost every state, working with the local Blue Cross/Blue Shield plans to provide the most effective chiropractic care. The following issues were addressed 1. At our request, Empire BC/BS is re-evaluating an issue that we feel may violate our scope of practice where the doctor of chiropractic is required to refer patients back to the medical doctor for necessary diagnostic tests and laboratory services. 2. All doctors will need to be credentialed by ASH to treat Empire patients in network, even if you are already in any Blue Cross/Blue Shield plans. The March 1, 2005 is not the deadline for credentialling, but it is the hard deadline for the start of this program. All doctors who wish to join ASH should get their application in as soon as possible. For those doctors who wish to withdraw from the Empire plans and become non-participating, written notice is required to be sent to Empire. 60 days after receipt of this letter your participation will be terminated (should be sent certified/return receipt requested). 3. Out of network benefits rendered by non participating doctors are not subject to ASH authorization parameters. The fee schedule for out of network will remain as it has been, subject to any deductible or policy limits. 4. A Blue CCHIP grievance committee will be set up for direct contact with both BC and ASH with representatives from the New York State Chiropractic Association and the New York Chiropractic Council. Additional points will be forthcoming as we receive clarification from Empire and/or ASH. The New York State Chiropractic Association and the New York Chiropractic Council are working for YOU! Attend your next district meeting to find out the full information and what you can do!


Attorney General Eliot Spitzer said today that 21 health plans operating in New York have agreed to take new steps to ensure that consumers have the information they need to intelligently shop for health coverage and obtain medically necessary care. Under the agreements, the health plans have pledged to be more responsive to requests from consumers for so-called "clinical review criteria," which is used to determine whether health care claims will be covered. In the past, health plans have sometimes failed to disclose these criteria and other essential coverage information, discouraging access to needed care. "Consumers need clear and complete information from health care plans," Spitzer said. "These agreements obligate the health plans to provide that information and help consumers make the right decisions in choosing a health plan and obtaining medically-necessary care. The agreements may also make it easier for chronically-ill New Yorkers to enroll in plans that meet their special coverage needs." The agreements stem from a March 2004 report by Spitzer's Health Care Bureau. The report found that all of the plans offering individual coverage in New York failed to comply with state coverage information disclosure requirements. In compiling the report, members of Spitzer's staff posed as prospective health plan enrollees. For example, one letter stated that the writer was a diabetic who wanted to buy an individual insurance policy. The writer requested information about how the health plan would decide whether an insulin pump would be a covered expense. Information was also sought for coverage of nutritional supplements and more serious procedures, including arthroscopic knee surgery, breast reduction surgery and surgery for Crohn's disease. Five letters were sent to each plan requesting information on the standards used to determine whether or not a treatment for five different conditions was medically necessary and therefore covered by insurance. Disclosure of this information is specifically required under the state's Managed Care Consumer Bill of Rights. Spitzer's staff analyzed the responses from the health plans and assigned the plans grades based on the number of satisfactory responses. Out of 22 plans studied, half (11) received an "F" for compliance, seven plans received a "D," three plans received a "C," and only one plan got a "B." No plan received an "A." Twenty-six percent of the 110 letters received no response from the plans at all. The clinical review criteria are extremely important to consumers with existing medical conditions because they contain the standards that the health plans use to determine whether a specific treatment is medically necessary; if not, coverage is denied and the consumer is left with the choice of either foregoing medical care or paying out-of-pocket. The State Managed Care Consumer Bill of Rights requires health plans to disclose these criteria to both current and prospective enrollees upon written request. Noting that all of the plans cooperated fully with the inquiry, Spitzer commended certain plans for agreeing to present the required information in a way that was particularly useful to consumers. For example, Excellus Health Plans, based in Rochester, agreed to make its clinical review criteria available to all consumers on its Internet website. MDNY, a Long Island health plan, agreed to translate the medical jargon in some of its criteria into simpler, lay language. Spitzer renewed his call on the Governor and State Legislature to pass legislation originally proposed by the Attorney General in 2001, to establish clear penalties for violations of the Managed Care Consumer Bill of Rights. Currently, there are no specific penalties for violations of this consumer protection statute. The settlements announced today specifically require the health plans to ensure that all consumer requests for clinical review criteria are honored and to submit annual compliance reports to the Attorney General's Office. Each plan will also pay $5,000 in costs to the state. The case was handled by Assistant Attorneys General Paul Beyer, Heather Hussar and Susan Kirchheimer, and Section Chief Troy Oechsner under the supervision of Joseph Baker, Health Care Bureau Chief. The full text of the report is available on the Attorney General's website: Consumers and providers with questions or concerns about health care matters can call the Attorney General's Health Care Bureau Hotline at 1-800-771-7755. NEW YORK HEALTH PLANS PARTICIPATING IN SETTLEMENT Aetna US Healthcare Atlantis Health Plan Capital District Physicians' Health Plan (CDPHP) CIGNA Healthcare of New York ConnectiCare of New York Empire HealthChoice Excellus Health Plan Group Health Inc. (GHI) HealthFirst New York Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York (HIP) Health Net of New York HealthNow New York Horizon Healthcare of New York Independent Health Association MDNY Healthcare MVP Health Plan Oxford Health Plans of New York Preferred Care United Healthcare of New York Vytra Health Plans WellCare of New York

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Press Releases for Every Occasion

To many marketers, the press release is something of a "one size fits all" proposition. You want to get media coverage, you knock out a press release, send it to some journalists and sit back and wait. Of course, smart Publicity Insiders already know that's a prescription for failure. You know that your press release has to have a "hook", be well-written and sent to appropriate journalists in an active, not passive, manner. But there's another part of the puzzle that even savvy publicity-seekers sometimes miss -- you can't just write "a press release", you have to write the right kind of press release. There's no such thing as a "one size fits all" release. Smart publicists have variations of the press release model ready to go, depending on the occasion. (Note: for a general introduction to press release writing and formatting, see: Let's look at some releases suitable for "harder" and more timely news... The News Release To some folks, "news release" and "press release" are interchangeable. Not to me. I use the phrase "news release" to refer to a release that, well, carries actual news. Let's face it, most of what a business has to say to a journalist isn't exactly "stop the presses" kind of stuff. But, on occasion, something of real significance occurs. A merger, a stock split, a major new contract, winning a national award...something that's truly timely and important. For these sorts of events, don't mess around. Craft a solid, hard-hitting News Release that's written in pure journalistic style (lead includes "who, what, when, why and how", language is in 3rd person and completely frëe of hyperbole). Use journalism's "inverted pyramid" -- most important information at the top, next most important info in the second paragraph and so on down. Tell the entire story in the headline and subhead. Again, don't get cute -- get straight to the point. The headline "Acme Corporation Selected by Pentagon to Supply Troops with Widgets" is far better than something like "Guess Who's Making Widgets for Uncle Sam?" or something "clever" like that. In the subhead, fill in some details: "$18 Million Contract Largest in Company's History". Talk about getting straight to the point! You've just given the journalist the meat of the story before she's even read your lead. Add a "dateline" (Akron, OH) at the beginning of your lead (first) paragraph. In the dateline, use your company's home town (or the location where some news has broken. You can be a bit creative hëre, if it helps maximize your impact. For the above example, you can dateline it Washington, DC and say that "The Pentagon today announced that it has selected an Akron company..."). In distributing the release, use e-mail, fax, a distribution service such as PRWeb or PR Newswire, or even overnight courier. The goal is to get it into journalists' hands on the same day you distribute it. Executive Appointment Release Most businesses send out a brief release and headshot when someone new is hired or a major promotion is made. That's fine, and it will get them in the "People on the Move" column on page 8 in the business section. It's an ego stroke for the employee, but that's about it. Savvy publicity seekers use the Executive Appointment release to generate real publicity. Here's the key -- don't just announce that someone's been hired or promoted. Rather, explain why the move is significant to the company -- and perhaps the market -- as a whole. For example, Jane Smith has been hired as your company's new director of sales. Not so exciting. However, the reason you hired her is because she came from a major online retailer and is planning to overhaul your salës system to compare with the state-of-the-art systems used by the big guys. Hmmmm...that's a lot more interesting. So why not tell the media about it? The key ingredient is context. Your headline may still look like that of a typical Executive Appointment release (Acme Names Jane Smith New Director of Sales), but starting with the subhead, you begin your journey off page 8 of the business section and onto page one (Hiring of Key Figure in Online Sales Explosion Marks Important Shift in Acme's Sales Strategy). Ah, now you've entered the realm of news, not business as usual. And a sharp business editor will see that a local company is doing something far more significant than just making a hire. Dateline the release, fax (or even messenger), email or regular mail it over to your local business editor and follow up with a phone call. Offer Jane Smith for interview, too. The Media Alert The Media Alert is a deceptively simple creature. It's essentially a memo from you to TV, radio and newspaper assignment editors, city desk editors and others who decide whether a particular news event is worth covering. They're used to alert the press about news conferences, charity events, publicity "stunts" and other events. The point of the Media Alert is to, in just a few seconds, tell a journalist about the event, how to cover it and why it's important that the media outlet, in fact, covers it. Most publicists are pretty good on the first two points -- almost all media alerts do a decent job of telling what the event is, where it will be held and what time it starts. It's the third aspect -- the "why" -- that will make the real difference, though. And it's the thing most publicists do a lousy of job of conveying. First, a word about format. Use standard press release headings (contact info, "For Immediate Release" and headline). The rest of the document should be a few paragraphs, spaced at least three lines apart from one another. The first paragraph, should begin with What: and continue with a one or two line description of the event (WidgetFest 2004, a celebration of young minds). Next paragraph, When:, after that Where: Now here's the key paragraph, Why You Should Cover WidgetFest 2004: The brightest young minds from around the region will gather to present their inventions, as Acme Corp. celebrates the state's top high school science students. The event will be a visual feast, with a host of awe-inspiring inventions, many colorful, active and exotic, on display. As part of the event, more than $10,000 in scholarships will be distributed to budding Einsteins by John Smith, Ohio's Science Teacher of the Year. The key? This line: "The event will be a visual feast, with a host of awe-inspiring inventions, many colorful, active and exotic, on display." I just spoke an assignment editor's language, telling him that this will provide lots of cool visuals, making for great video or photos. The bit about the scholarships and the Science Teacher of the Year assures him that this won't just be a promotional stunt. So what are we offering? A non-promotional, feel-good event with great visuals. Just what an assignment editor is looking for. About The Author Bill Stoller, the "Publicity Insider", has spent two decades as one of America's top publicists. Now, through his website, eZine and subscription newsletter, Free Publicity: The Newsletter for PR-Hungry Businesses he's sharing -- for the very first time -- his secrets of scoring big publicity. For free articles, killer publicity tips and much, much more, visit Bill's exclusive new site:



Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announces the implementation of a demonstration mandated under Section 651 of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) (Pub. L. 108–173), which will expand coverage of chiropractic services under Medicare beyond the current coverage for manipulation to correct a neuromusculoskeletal condition. To view the entire announcement from the Federal Register regarding the protocols (which is three pages long) please go to: The Federal Register on Friday, January 28, 2005


ABSTRACT Folate Intake and the Risk of Incident Hypertension Among US Women John P. Forman, MD; Eric B. Rimm, ScD; Meir J. Stampfer, MD, DrPH; Gary C. Curhan, MD, ScD Context Folate has important beneficial effects on endothelial function, but there is limited information about folate intake and risk of incident hypertension. Objective To determine whether higher folate intake is associated with a lower risk of incident hypertension. Design, Setting, and Participants Two prospective cohort studies of 93 803 younger women aged 27 to 44 years in the Nurses’ Health Study II (1991-1999) and 62 260 older women aged 43 to 70 years in the Nurses’ Health Study I (1990-1998), who did not have a history of hypertension. Baseline information on dietary folate and supplemental folic acid intake was derived from semiquantitative food frequency questionnaires and was updated every 4 years. Main Outcome Measure Relative risk of incident self-reported hypertension during 8 years of follow-up. Results We identified 7373 incident cases of hypertension in younger women and 12 347 cases in older women. After adjusting for multiple potential confounders, younger women who consumed at least 1000 µg/d of total folate (dietary plus supplemental) had a decreased risk of hypertension (relative risk [RR], 0.54; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.45-0.66; P for trend <.001) compared with those who consumed less than 200 µg/d. Younger women’s absolute risk reduction (ARR) was approximately 8 cases per 1000 person-years (6.7 vs 14.8 cases). The multivariable RR for the same comparison in older women was 0.82 (95% CI, 0.69-0.97; P for trend = .05). Older women’s ARR was approximately 6 cases per 1000 person-years (34.7 vs 40.4 cases). When the analysis was restricted to women with low dietary folate intake (Conclusion Higher total folate intake was associated with a decreased risk of incident hypertension, particularly in younger women. JAMA. 2005;293:320-329. Author Affiliations: Renal Division (Drs Forman and Curhan), Channing Laboratory (Drs Forman, Rimm, Stampfer, and Curhan), Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School and Departments of Epidemiology and Nutrition (Drs Forman, Rimm, Stampfer, and Curhan), Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass.

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Hospitalization and Death Associated With Potentially Inappropriate Medication Prescriptions Among Elderly Nursing Home Residents

ABSTRACT Background This study examines the association of potentially inappropriate medication prescribing (PIRx) with hospitalization and death among elderly long-stay nursing home residents. Methods We defined PIRx using the combined version of the Beers criteria. Data were from the 1996 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Nursing Home Component. The study sample included 3372 residents, 65 years and older, who had nursing home stays of 3 consecutive months or longer in 1996. We performed multivariate logistic regression analyses of longitudinal data using generalized estimating equations. Results Residents who received any PIRx had greater odds (odds ratio [OR], 1.27; P = .002) of being hospitalized in the following month than those receiving no PIRx. Residents with PIRx exposure for 2 consecutive months were at increased risk (OR, 1.27; P = .004) of hospitalization, as were those receiving PIRx in the second month only (OR, 1.80; P = .001), compared with those receiving no PIRx. Residents who received PIRx were at greater risk of death (OR, 1.28; P = .01) that month or the next. Residents with intermittent PIRx exposures were at greater odds of death (OR, 1.89; P<.001), compared with those with no PIRx exposure. Conclusions The association of PIRx with subsequent adverse outcomes (hospitalization and death) provides new evidence of the importance of improving prescribing practices in the nursing home setting. Arch Intern Med. 2005;165:68-74. January 10, 2005 Author Affiliations: Buehler Center on Aging, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, Ill (Dr Lau); Department of Health Policy and Management, Bloomberg School of Public Health (Dr Kasper), and Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, School of Medicine (Dr Bennett), The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md; Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, Md (Ms Potter); and School of Government and Public Administration, University of Baltimore (Dr Lyles).

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Out of Four Agencies MaxMedia Chosen to Revive Life University

MaxMedia Design, an Atlanta-based interactive marketing and design firm, was selected by Life University to create and develop an online marketing strategy, interactive promotions and a Web site redesign. After a competitive review, MaxMedia Design was awarded the account to bring a fresh image to the Marietta-based university. The new site will reinforce Life University’s cardinal values of vision, performance and success while providing valuable information to prospective students about its College of Chiropractic and College of Arts and Sciences. On December 7, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools announced that it has reaffirmed Life University's accreditation. Life University offers professional, graduate, and undergraduate degree programs and postgraduate education in the broad fields of health care, science, nutrition, and business. To sustain the quality of its programs the University recruits and retains outstanding faculty who are dedicated to teaching and advising; to scholarship, research, and creativity; and to serving the University and the wider community. Founded in 1996 by Keehln Wheeler, MaxMedia Design combines design and engineering to develop an entire spectrum of digital media via web design, interactive marketing tools, direct response and data capture mechanisms, and film and video production. Implementing these tools, MaxMedia Design creates external and internal marketing and campaigns for its Fortune 500, mid-sized and start-up clients. MaxMedia Design’s clients include BellSouth, NCR, Coca-Cola, Cingular and Cox Enterprises. For more information on MaxMedia Design, visit:

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Chronic Back Pain Is Associated with Decreased Prefrontal and Thalamic Gray Matter Density

ABSTRACT The role of the brain in chronic pain conditions remains speculative. We compared brain morphology of 26 chronic back pain (CBP) patients to matched control subjects, using magnetic resonance imaging brain scan data and automated analysis techniques. CBP patients were divided into neuropathic, exhibiting pain because of sciatic nerve damage, and non-neuropathic groups. Pain-related characteristics were correlated to morphometric measures. Neocortical gray matter volume was compared after skull normalization. Patients with CBP showed 5-11% less neocortical gray matter volume than control subjects. The magnitude of this decrease is equivalent to the gray matter volume lost in 10-20 years of normal aging. The decreased volume was related to pain duration, indicating a 1.3 cm3 loss of gray matter for every year of chronic pain. Regional gray matter density in 17 CBP patients was compared with matched controls using voxel-based morphometry and nonparametric statistics. Gray matter density was reduced in bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and right thalamus and was strongly related to pain characteristics in a pattern distinct for neuropathic and non-neuropathic CBP. Our results imply that CBP is accompanied by brain atrophy and suggest that the pathophysiology of chronic pain includes thalamocortical processes. The Journal of Neuroscience, November 17, 2004, 24(46):10410-10415; doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2541-04.2004

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Bone mineral density changes over two years in first-time users of Depo-Provera (depot medroxyprogesterone acetate)

ABSTRACT Objective: To compare longitudinal changes in bone mineral density (BMD) among first-time depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) users to women using no hormonal contraception, and evaluate user characteristics associated with that BMD change. Design: Prospective longitudinal study. Setting: Healthy volunteers in an academic research environment. Patient(s) Women, aged 18 to 35, choosing DMPA for contraception (n = 178) and women using no hormonal contraception (n = 145). Main outcome measure(s) : Hip and spine BMD measured, at three-month intervals for 24 months, by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. Result(s) : Mean hip BMD declined 2.8% (SE = 0.034) 12 months following DMPA initiation and 5.8% (SE = 0.096) after 24 months. Mean spine (L1–L3) BMD declined 3.5% (SE = 0.022) and 5.7% (SE = 0.034), respectively, after one and two years of DMPA use. Mean hip and spine BMD of control participants changed less than 0.9% over the same period. Among DMPA users, body mass index (BMI) change was inversely associated with BMD change at the hip, but not at the spine. Calcium intake, physical activity, and smoking did not influence BMD change in either group. Conclusion(s) : Hip and spine BMD declined after one DMPA injection and this decline continued with each subsequent injection for 24 months. With the exception of increasing BMI among DMPA users, no user characteristics offered protection against DMPA-related BMD loss. SOURCE: Fertility and Sterility, December 2004, Volume 82, Issue 6, Pages 1580-1586

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Incorporating nerve-gliding techniques in the conservative treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome

ABSTRACT Objective: To discuss the diagnosis and treatment of a patient with cubital tunnel syndrome and to illustrate novel treatment modalities for the ulnar nerve and its surrounding structures and target tissues. The rationale for the addition of nerve-gliding techniques will be highlighted. Clinical Features: Two months after onset, a 17-year-old female nursing student who had a traumatic onset of cubital tunnel syndrome still experienced pain around the elbow and paresthesia in the ulnar nerve distribution. Electrodiagnostic tests were negative. Segmental cervicothoracic motion dysfunctions were present which were regarded as contributing factors hindering natural recovery. Intervention and Outcomes: After 6 sessions consisting of nerve-gliding techniques and segmental joint manipulation and a home exercise program consisting of nerve gliding and light free-weight exercises, a substantial improvement was recorded on both the impairment and functional level (pain scales, clinical tests, and Northwick Park Questionnaire). Symptoms did not recur within a 10-month follow-up period, and pain and disability had completely resolved. Conclusions: Movement-based management may be beneficial in the conservative management of cubital tunnel syndrome. As this intervention is in contrast with the traditional recommendation of immobilization, comparing the effects of both interventions in a systematic way is an essential next step to determine the optimal treatment of patients with cubital tunnel syndrome. November/December 2004; Vol. 27, No. 9. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics

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Dose response for chiropractic care of chronic cervicogenic headache and associated neck pain: a randomized pilot study

ABSTRACT Objective: To acquire information for designing a large clinical trial and determining its feasibility and to make preliminary estimates of the relationship between headache outcomes and the number of visits to a chiropractor. Design: Randomized, controlled trial. Setting: Private practice in a college outpatient clinic and in the community. Subjects: Twenty-four adults with chronic cervicogenic headache. Methods: Patients were randomly allocated to 1, 3, or 4 visits per week for 3 weeks. All patients received high-velocity low-amplitude spinal manipulation. Doctor of Chiropractics could apply up to 2 physical modalities at each visit from among heat and soft tissue therapy. They could also recommend modification of daily activities and rehabilitative exercises. Outcomes included 100-point Modified Von Korff pain and disability scales, and headaches in last 4 weeks. Results: Only 1 participant was insufficiently compliant with treatment (3 of 12 visits), and 1 patient was lost to follow-up. There was substantial benefit in pain relief for 9 and 12 treatments compared with 3 visits. At 4 weeks, the advantage was 13.8 (P = .135) for 3 visits per week and 18.7 (P = .041) for 4 visits per week. At the 12-week follow-up, the advantage was 19.4 (P = .035) for 3 visits per week and 18.1 (P = .048) for 4 visits per week. Conclusion: A large clinical trial on the relationship between pain relief and the number of chiropractic treatments is feasible. Findings give preliminary support for the benefit of larger doses, 9 to 12 treatments, of chiropractic care for the treatment of cervicogenic headache. November/December 2004; Vol. 27, No. 9. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics

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Supersedes Subject No. 150-18.1 dated December 18, 2003 In accordance with the Board resolution adopted on February 20, 1990, the mileage rate for reimbursement to claimants for travel by automobile is to be the same rate at which management/confidential state employees are reimbursed for travel by automobile. The mileage rate for reimbursement to claimants for travel by automobile on or after January 1, 2005 shall be 40.5 cents per mile. In those instances where claimants are entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses, carriers and self-insurers will allow claimants reimbursement for travel in accordance with this rate. For your information, a table of the travel reimbursement rates from 1970 to the present is below. David P. Wehner Chairman

Caffeine as a risk factor for chronic daily headache: A population-based study

ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the possible association of dietary caffeine consumption and medicinal caffeine use with chronic daily headache (CDH). Methods: Population-based cases and controls were recruited from the Baltimore, MD, Philadelphia, PA, and Atlanta, GA, metropolitan areas. Controls (n = 507) reported 2 to104 headache days/year, and cases (n = 206) reported 180 headache days/year. Current and past dietary caffeine consumption and medication use for headache were based on detailed self-report. High caffeine exposure was defined as being in the upper quartile of dietary consumption or using a caffeine-containing over-the-counter analgesic as the preferred headache treatment. Results: In comparison with episodic headache controls, CDH cases were more likely overall to have been high caffeine consumers before onset of CDH (odds ratio [OR] = 1.50, p = 0.05). No association was found for current caffeine consumption (i.e., post CDH) (OR = 1.36, p = 0.12). In secondary analyses, associations were confined to younger (age <40) women (OR = 2.0, p = 0.02) and those with chronic episodic (as opposed to chronic continuous) headaches (OR = 1.69, p = 0.01), without physician consultation (OR = 1.67, p = 0.04) and of recent (Conclusion: Dietary and medicinal caffeine consumption appears to be a modest risk factor for chronic daily headache onset, regardless of headache type. Scher AI, et al. Neurology. December 14, 2004; Vol. 63, No. 11, pp. 2022-2027.

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The Polymeal: a more natural, safer, and probably tastier (than the Polypill) strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease by more than 75%


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NIH Halts Use of COX-2 (Celebrex) Inhibitor in Large Cancer Prevention Trial

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced today that it has suspended the use of COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib (Celebrex™ Pfizer, Inc.) for all participants in a large colorectal cancer prevention clinical trial conducted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The study, called the Adenoma Prevention with Celecoxib (APC) trial, was stopped because analysis by an independent Data Safety and Monitoring Board (DSMB) showed a 2.5-fold increased risk of major fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events for participants taking the drug compared to those on a placebo. Additional cardiovascular expertise was added to the safety monitoring committees at the request of the Steering Committees for this trial after a September 2004 report that the COX-2 inhibitor rofecoxib (Vioxx™) caused a two-fold increased risk of cardiovascular toxicities in a trial to prevent adenomas. The APC is a study of more than 2,000 people who have had a precancerous growth (adenomatous polyp) removed. They were randomized to take either 200 mg of celecoxib twice a day, 400 mg of celecoxib twice a day, or a placebo for three years. The trial began in early 2000 and is scheduled to have been completed by Spring 2005. Investigators at the 100 sites in the APC trial located primarily in the United States, with a few additional sites in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada, have been instructed to immediately suspend study drug use for all participants on the trial, although the participants will remain under observation for the planned remainder of the study. "Data from the report on rofecoxib (Vioxx) informed us of the need to focus on specific cardiovascular issues, and our Institutes brought in the experts to do so, said Elias A. Zerhouni, M.D., NIH Director. "Our overwhelming commitment is to advance the health and to protect the safety of participants in clinical trials. We are examining the use of these agents in all NIH-sponsored clinical studies. In addition, we are working closely with our colleagues at FDA to ensure that the public has the information they need to make informed decisions about the use of this class of drug." "The rigor of our clinical trials system has allowed us to find this problem," said NCI Director Andrew C. von Eschenbach, M.D. "We have a strong system that provides us with the opportunity to both find ways to effectively treat and prevent disease and to do so in a way that protects the lives and safety of the participants." NIH sponsors over 40 studies using celecoxib for the prevention and treatment of cancer, dementia and other diseases. In light of these new findings, NIH Director Zerhouni requested: • a full review of all NIH-supported studies involving this class of drug. • NIH Institutes to inform the principal investigators for all of these studies and will ask them to communicate directly with their study participants and explain the risks and benefits • NIH to ask each investigator to inform us of the their plan to analyze their data in light of the information • the Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) for all related trials to assess the new information and to conduct a safety review as well For Questions and Answers regarding this study, please go to:

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Discovery Shows New Vitamin C Health Benefits

CORVALLIS – Researchers in the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University have made a major discovery about the way vitamin C functions in the human body – a breakthrough that may help explain its possible value in preventing cancer and heart disease. The study, which explores the role of vitamin C in dealing with the toxins that result from fat metabolism, was just published in a professional journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. It contradicts the conclusions of some research that was widely publicized three years ago, which had suggested that this essential nutrient might actually have toxic effects. The new OSU study confirmed some of the results of that earlier laboratory study, which had found vitamin C to be involved in the formation of compounds potentially damaging to DNA. But that research, scientists say, only provided part of the story about what actually happens in the human body. The newest findings explain for the first time how vitamin C can react with and neutralize the toxic byproducts of human fat metabolism. “This is a previously unrecognized function for vitamin C in the human body,” said Fred Stevens, an assistant professor in the Linus Pauling Institute. “We knew that vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help neutralize free radicals. But the new discovery indicates it has a complex protective role against toxic compounds formed from oxidized lipids, preventing the genetic damage or inflammation they can cause.” Some earlier studies done in another laboratory had exposed oxidized lipids – which essentially are rancid fats – to vitamin C, and found some reaction products that can cause DNA damage. These test tube studies suggested that vitamin C could actually form “genotoxins” that damage genes and DNA, the types of biological mutations that can precede cancer. But that study, while valid, does not tell the whole story, the OSU researchers say. “It’s true that vitamin C does react with oxidized lipids to form potential genotoxins,” said Balz Frei, professor and director of the Linus Pauling Institute, and co-author on this study. “But the process does not stop there. We found in human studies that the remaining vitamin C in the body continues to react with these toxins to form conjugates - different types of molecules with a covalent bond - that appear to be harmless.” In human tests, the OSU scientists found in blood plasma extraordinarily high levels of these conjugates, which show this protective effect of vitamin C against toxic lipids. “Prior to this, we never knew what indicators to look for that would demonstrate the protective role of vitamin C against oxidized lipids,” Stevens said. “Now that we see them, it becomes very clear how vitamin C can provide a protective role against these oxidized lipids and the toxins derived from them. And this isn’t just test tube chemistry, this is the way our bodies work. “This discovery of a new class of lipid metabolites could be very important in our understanding of this vitamin and the metabolic role it plays,” Stevens said. “This appears to be a major pathway by which the body can get rid of the toxic byproducts of fat metabolism, and it clearly could relate to cancer prevention.” Oxidation of lipids has been the focus of considerable research in recent years, the scientists say, not just for the role it may play in cancer but also in other chronic diseases such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and autoimmune disorders. The toxic products produced by fat oxidation may not only be relevant to genetic damage and cancer, researchers believe, but are also very reactive compounds that damage proteins. For instance, there’s a protein in LDL, the “bad” cholesterol in your blood, which if damaged by toxic lipids can increase the chance of atherosclerotic lesions. In continuing research, the OSU team plans to study the role of this newly understood reaction between vitamin C and toxic lipids in atherosclerosis. In clinical studies they plan to examine the blood chemistry of patients who have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease, compared to a healthy control group. “In the early stages of atherosclerosis, it appears that some of these toxic lipids make white blood cells stick to the arterial wall, and start an inflammatory process that ultimately can lead to heart disease or stroke,” Frei said. “When we better understand that process and the role that micronutrients such as vitamin C play in it, there may be strategies we can suggest to prevent this from happening.” The new findings, the OSU scientists say, also point to new biomarkers that can be useful in identifying oxidative stress in the human body. They may provide an indicator of people who may be at special risk of chronic disease. By David Stauth, 541-737-0787 SOURCES: Fred Stevens, 541-737-9534 Balz Frei, 541-737-5078

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