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District 3 (Queens)
Tuesday, April 09, 2024, 7:30 PM EST
Category: District Meetings

Queens District Event

Please come and join us. Your NYSCA District President and Delegate will provide an update on what's going on in and around chiropractic. Receive updates on Scope Modernization, Insurance, and Unity. We welcome your feedback and concerns regarding the issues facing you and your practice.

At the end of the meeting, the floor will be open for any comments, shares, solutions, and/or suggestions from attendees regarding practice concerns. Stay informed, connect with your colleagues and expand your knowledge! We hope to see you there!


Policy Statement: We make every attempt to offer programs as publicized. We nevertheless reserve the right to alter and/or adjust program details, including but not limited to dates, locations, times, instructors, and presentation sources and sequences.

License Renewal: While applications relating to credit hours for license renewal in selected states have been executed for these programs, it remains attendees’ responsibility to contact the state board(s) from whom they seek continuing education credits for purposes of ensuring said board(s) approve both venue and content as they relate to any seminar/ course/ lecture/ webinar/ online presentation (event). Neither a speaker’s or exhibitor’s presence at said event, nor product mention or display, shall in any way constitute NYCC endorsement. NYCC’s role is strictly limited to processing, submitting, and archiving program documents on behalf of course sponsors.

Contact: [email protected]