NYS Workers' Compensation Updates; Carisk Webinar TODAY June 23rd 2pm
Welcome to Summer!
The NYSCA Insurance Committee (The NIC) offers the following updates relative to workers' compensation. Please note the links for additional information, and in particular the link to a CMS-1500 webinar today, June 23rd at 2pm (by Carisk Intelligent Clearinghouse), as well as the link to the recorded version of the NYS Workers' Compensation Board DME webinar for NYSCA members.
The NYS Workers' Compensation Board continues to update it programs and systems, which will soon culminate with the limited release of OnBoard. The OnBoard project brings together multiple systems into a single web-based platform to facilitate communication and interaction between key stakeholders. Due to the complex nature of this project, the WCB has decided to delay the implementation of the new Medical Treatment Guidelines (ankle and foot, elbow, hip and groin, hand wrist and forearm, occupational interstitial lung disease, work-related asthma, post-traumatic and acute stress disorders, and work-related depression and depressive disorders), as well as the drug formulary and new DME Fee Schedule and related rules.
You can keep track of the implementation timeframe of the OnBoard project at:
As previously noted, and as discussed last month at the last NYSCA Workers' Compensation Webinar, the requirements to submit claims and associated documentation to carriers and the Workers' Compensation Board (CMS1500 Initiative) has been delayed until 2022. We are currently in the Voluntary Phase, which allows you the time to implement this program in your office well ahead of the 2022 deadline. You must utilize a Clearinghouse which is approved by the NYS Workers' Compensation Board.
You can keep up to date with the WCB's CMS-1500 developments at the following link:
Please note that the OnBoard Project and the CMS-1500 Initiative are 2 separate programs. You will need to register and utilize both in order to keep treating and billing your workers' compensation patients.
Several weeks ago the NYS Workers' Compensation Board held a DME webinar for NYSCA Members. For those of you who were unable to attend, you can access a recording of that presentation at the following link:
To continue to assist NYSCA Members in keeping up to date, we will be conducting several workshops to assist you in the transition and implementation of these programs in your office. The NYSCA was just informed that Carisk Intelligent Clearinghouse will be presenting a Webinar today, June 23rd, at 2pm to provide information on the CMS-1500 Initiative which will include representation from the NYS Workers' Compensation Board. Space is limited, and you must sign up for that webinar at the following link:
Electronic Billing State-Level Debrief
for Workers’ Compensation
The NIC thanks you for your continued support. We look forward to continue to work with you for the betterment of our profession and the patients we serve.
NYSCA Insurance Committee