Only Chiropractors Who Are Also Licensed Acupuncturists May Provide Acupuncture Services to Their Patients

Pursuant to Education Law §6551, the scope of practice for the profession of chiropractic does not authorize the use or practice of acupuncture to treat diseases, disorders, or dysfunctions of the body. However, chiropractors who also licensed under Article 160 of the Education Law as an acupuncturist may offer such services under that license, but not as a chiropractor.

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CGI Digital Enters Agreement with the NYSCA

The New York State Chiropractic Association (NYSCA) is pleased to announce that the Association has entered into an agreement  with CGI Digital (CGI) to coordinate and produce a series of educational videos to showcase the chiropractic profession in New York.

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Revised Form I-9 for US Employers

On Aug. 1, 2023, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published a revised version of Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification (PDF, 899.28 KB). Form I-9 is used to “verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States. All U.S. employers must properly complete Form I-9 for each individual they hire for employment in the United States. This includes citizens and noncitizens. Both employees and employers (or authorized representatives of the employer) must complete the form.” (USCIS)

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Q&A: NYS Employers and COVID-19 Sick Leave

A news source recently reported that “another summer COVID wave may have started in the U.S.” (NPR, 2023).  As a result, NYS employers may begin seeing an uptick in the number of employees who are absent from work due to illness.  You yourself may have wondered, “What are my obligations regarding employee sick leave due to COVID-19?”

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Employers: Privacy Requirements Could Catch You Off-Guard

Most organizations are aware of the privacy laws designed to protect consumer data. However, many organizations may not be aware that another constituency has the same rights—employees. Without the proper protocols in place for protecting and providing access to employee data, employers could find themselves in hot water. This LEGALcurrents provides insights on what organizations should be doing to establish the right data protection model for consumer and employee data.

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NCHM 2023: Relieve, Restore, Resume

Arlington, Va. – The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) and doctors of chiropractic nationwide will celebrate National Chiropractic Health Month (NCHM) 2023 this October with the theme “Chiropractic: Relieve, Restore, Resume.” The campaign will bring attention to the prevalence and impact of chronic pain and the importance of non-drug approaches such as chiropractic services for safe and effective pain management.

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NYSCA Member Spotlight - Dr. Misty Dickason - District 3 Member

This month we're highlighting Dr. Misty Dickason at Synergy Physical Therapy & Chiropractic in Corona NY!

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2023 End of Session Update

New York’s legislative session was scheduled to end on Thursday, June 8; however, both houses remained in session into the weekend. The Senate finished around 3:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 10th. The Assembly worked until Saturday at 4:30 p.m. but then adjourned without concluding their business. The Assembly returned on June 20th to wrap up remaining issues and concluded their business late in the evening of June 21. This session was limited in scope, mainly focusing on passing local bills.

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F4CP Marketing Resource Guide

New eBook: How to Serve Content at the Right Time in the Patient Acquisition Journey 

To this day, 40% of chiropractic practice’s revenue comes entirely from the patient’s pocket. This reliance on community awareness means clinics need to leverage advertising and marketing tools to ensure growth and prosperity.

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NY Breastfeeding Accommodations Law Amendment is Now in Effect

An update to New York State's nursing employee and breastfeeding accommodations law is now in effect as of June 7. Here are the essential obligations that employers should take note of to ensure they are in full compliance.

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On The Agenda | June 2023

On the Agenda, the official publication of the New York State Chiropractic Association (NYSCA), is published quarterly. It is designed to provide information about the Chiropractic profession and NYSCA activities and initiatives. 

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New model sexual harassment policy serves as a reminder for NY employers

In his most recent column published in the Rochester Business Journal, Labor and Employment Partner, Ben Mudrick, breaks down New York state’s recently revised Model Sexual Harassment Policy and what has changed. Ben discusses the circumstances leading up to these changes, how they are affecting New York businesses, and what employers should be aware of when considering their own policies.

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2023 End of Session Update

The last day of the legislative session was scheduled to be Thursday, June 8, however, both houses remained in session into the weekend. The Senate finished around 3:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 10. The Assembly was planning to work through the day on Saturday and wrap up late in the evening/Sunday morning. However, in a change of plans, the Assembly ended up adjourning mid-afternoon after deciding that they would come back in two weeks to wrap up the remaining issues. It is unclear at this point if the return in two weeks will be just the Assembly or if the Senate will return as well. The hope is that an agreement may be reached on several outstanding issues that could not be resolved before the scheduled end of session.

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NYSCA Practice Spotlight - Pinnacle Hill Chiropractic - District 15

This month we're highlighting Pinnacle Hill Chiropractic located in Brighton, NY.

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2023 New York Chiropractic Lobby Day Recap

On Monday May 2nd, over 40 members of the New York State Chiropractic Association participated with the New York Chiropractic Council through the Joint Legislative Task Force in Chiropractic Lobby Day. We were also joined by representatives from New York’s two Chiropractic colleges, and we converged on Albany to support our legislative agenda and educate lawmakers regarding issues affecting the profession in our state.

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FY 2023-2024 Final State Budget

The New York State Budget was finalized today, a month after its April 1 due date.  The Governor announced that she had reached the framework of the budget deal with the Senate and Assembly late in the day on April 27. Thile the framework was announced, we did not see the final budget bills until last night and today. Now that the bills are available, the Senate and Assembly are in the process of passing them. We anticipate that the final votes will be taken at some point tomorrow.

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NYSCA Member Spotlight - Dr. Brenda Covell - District 17 President

Dr. Brenda Covell's involvement in NYSCA began in her final year of chiropractic college. She was a student delegate for a NYSCA convention in 2016 and after graduation served as secretary for District 17.

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News from the NIC - CDPHP

The NYSCA Insurance Committee (The NIC) is bringing you the latest updates on CDPHP.

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News from the NIC - MVP

The NYSCA Insurance Committee (The NIC) is bringing you the latest updates on MVP.

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Medicare Fee for Service ABN 2023

The ABN, Form CMS-R-131, and form instructions have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for renewal. The use of the renewed form with the expiration date of 01/31/2026 will be mandatory on 6/30/23. You may continue to use the ABN form with the expiration date of 6/30/23 until the renewed form (expiration date 01/31/2026) becomes mandatory on 6/30/23. The ABN form and instructions may be found below in the downloads section.

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